
Pokazala je svima kako joj grudi izgledaju nakon mastektomije

Piše JL
9. studenog 2017. - 22:36

Dvadesetčetverogodišnja studentica hrabro je podijelila fotografije sebe na kojima je pokazala grudi nakon mastektomije, operacije uklanjanja tkiva iz dojke kao način prevencije odnosno liječenja raka dojke.

PIC FROM NEHEMIAH NASH/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING IN HER POST-MASTECTOMY TOPLESS PHOTOSHOOT)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821256, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

PIC FROM DIAMOND EYEZ PHOTOGRAPHY/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING DURING HER TREATMENT IN A CUSTOM SURGICAL MASK)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821262, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News


Jessica Florence tri godine se borila s rakom dojke, a u konačnici je ostala bez desne, no odlučila je stati pred fotografa i pokazati kako ova tema nije nikakav tabu.

PIC FROM DIAMOND EYEZ PHOTOGRAPHY/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING DURING HER TREATMENT IN A CUSTOM SURGICAL MASK)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821799, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News


Jessica je iz Jacksonvillea u SAD-u i studira arhitekturu, i nada se da će njezina priča i fotografije poslužiti kao inspiracija i podrška drugim ženama koje se bore s istom bolešću.

PIC FROM DIAMOND EYEZ PHOTOGRAPHY/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING DURING HER TREATMENT IN A CUSTOM SURGICAL MASK)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821801, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

PIC FROM DIAMOND EYEZ PHOTOGRAPHY/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING DURING HER TREATMENT IN A CUSTOM SURGICAL MASK)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821805, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

PIC FROM NEHEMIAH NASH/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING IN HER POST-MASTECTOMY TOPLESS PHOTOSHOOT)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821286, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

PIC FROM NEHEMIAH NASH/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: JESSICA FLORENCE, 24, POSING IN HER POST-MASTECTOMY TOPLESS PHOTOSHOOT)A 24-year-old student has bravely shared empowering images of her topless after a mastectomy to show how she has slayed breast cancer Jessica Florence was given the all clear last week after a three-year battle with the disease led to her losing her right breast. Now the architecture student, from Jacksonville, US, is hoping the images will be a source of strength and inspiration for others who are going through the same thing.SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 354821277, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News


04. siječanj 2025 19:50