
Uživam u lovu, on iskušava moju snagu i daje mi nezaboravne uspomene

16. rujna 2019. - 14:55
Kate Small


Medicinska sestra iz američke savezne države Idaho, 29-godišnja Kate Small, u slobodno vrijeme strastvena je lovkinja, a na Instagramu je prati 27.000 ljudi, s kojima ona ponosno dijeli fotografije svojega plijena - prenosi


Najveći koji je svojedobno "pao" od njezina metka bio je medvjed teži od 150 kilograma.

This six foot bear was Kate's largest prey, weighing over 350lb. IDAHO, USA: THIS NURSE receives thousands of death threats online and has even had sickos threaten to RAPE AND MURDER her baby daughter but continues to defy the trolls to show that hunting isn’t just for men by sharing her kills with her 27K Instagram followers. Registered nurse, Kate Small (29) from Boise, Idaho, USA, was introduced to hunting by her stepdad 10 years ago and instantly fell in love with it. Kate loves everything about hunting, from the adventure and strategic planning leading up to the kill which tests her strength and endurance and gives her unforgettable memories, to gutting, preserving and butchering the animal afterwards. Knowing where her food has come from is an important thing for Kate and she makes sure that she salvages as much of the animal that she can, using the meat, with the exception of wolf meat because it isn’t fit for human consumption, to fill her freezer for her family to live off and uses the hide and head for mounting. Kate never kills an animal just for the fun of hunting, only killing them for conservation or food purposes. Despite this, and hunting in a completely legal and ethical way, she receives thousands of disgusting death threats from people who have threatened to rape and murder her one-year-old daughter, murder her dogs and Kate herself, which she tries her best to laugh off. As a backcountry hunter, Kate can spend days or weeks out in the field to hunt an animal and she’s acquired 27K followers on her Instagram, @kate_small_outdoors. She hopes to be able to encourage other women to the sport and prove that it’s not just a man’s game. The largest animal Kate has ever hunted was a black bear which was over 6ft long and weighed more than 350lb but the most difficult animal to hunt is the wolf due to its heightened senses, speed and distance they can travel in a day. / @kate_small_outdoors, Image: 470141402, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096b010000ef450000ba740000d4990000f2110200696102004b2b0300897803008fc80300c8e10400, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Kate Small

Kate kaže kako ju je s lovom prije desetak godina upoznao njezin očuh i ona se "odmah zaljubila".

- Volim apsolutno sve - taj osjećaj avanture, strateško planiranje, proces ubijanja životinje koji iskušava moju snagu i izdržljivost, ali ujedno mi daje nezaboravne uspomene... Rasporiti plijen i poslije od njega dobiti meso - to je ono u čemu istinski uživam - izjavila je ova Amerikanka.

Kate recently killed a gemsbock in South Africa. IDAHO, USA: THIS NURSE receives thousands of death threats online and has even had sickos threaten to RAPE AND MURDER her baby daughter but continues to defy the trolls to show that hunting isn’t just for men by sharing her kills with her 27K Instagram followers. Registered nurse, Kate Small (29) from Boise, Idaho, USA, was introduced to hunting by her stepdad 10 years ago and instantly fell in love with it. Kate loves everything about hunting, from the adventure and strategic planning leading up to the kill which tests her strength and endurance and gives her unforgettable memories, to gutting, preserving and butchering the animal afterwards. Knowing where her food has come from is an important thing for Kate and she makes sure that she salvages as much of the animal that she can, using the meat, with the exception of wolf meat because it isn’t fit for human consumption, to fill her freezer for her family to live off and uses the hide and head for mounting. Kate never kills an animal just for the fun of hunting, only killing them for conservation or food purposes. Despite this, and hunting in a completely legal and ethical way, she receives thousands of disgusting death threats from people who have threatened to rape and murder her one-year-old daughter, murder her dogs and Kate herself, which she tries her best to laugh off. As a backcountry hunter, Kate can spend days or weeks out in the field to hunt an animal and she’s acquired 27K followers on her Instagram, @kate_small_outdoors. She hopes to be able to encourage other women to the sport and prove that it’s not just a man’s game. The largest animal Kate has ever hunted was a black bear which was over 6ft long and weighed more than 350lb but the most difficult animal to hunt is the wolf due to its heightened senses, speed and distance they can travel in a / @kate_small_outdoors, Image: 470141418, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000988030000305f000007810000829a000088170200ce7d02007144030023b9030022190400763f0500, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Kate Small

Kate dodaje kako od svojih lovina iskoristi apsolutno sve, ne konzumira jedino vučje meso jer ono, objašnjava, ipak nije pogodno za ljude, barem što se hrane tiče.

- Kožu i glave prepariram - izjavila je ponosno 29-godišnja medicinska sestra, koja je u sretnom braku i ima jednogodišnju kćerkicu.

Kate hunting hogs in Texas. IDAHO, USA: THIS NURSE receives thousands of death threats online and has even had sickos threaten to RAPE AND MURDER her baby daughter but continues to defy the trolls to show that hunting isn’t just for men by sharing her kills with her 27K Instagram followers. Registered nurse, Kate Small (29) from Boise, Idaho, USA, was introduced to hunting by her stepdad 10 years ago and instantly fell in love with it. Kate loves everything about hunting, from the adventure and strategic planning leading up to the kill which tests her strength and endurance and gives her unforgettable memories, to gutting, preserving and butchering the animal afterwards. Knowing where her food has come from is an important thing for Kate and she makes sure that she salvages as much of the animal that she can, using the meat, with the exception of wolf meat because it isn’t fit for human consumption, to fill her freezer for her family to live off and uses the hide and head for mounting. Kate never kills an animal just for the fun of hunting, only killing them for conservation or food purposes. Despite this, and hunting in a completely legal and ethical way, she receives thousands of disgusting death threats from people who have threatened to rape and murder her one-year-old daughter, murder her dogs and Kate herself, which she tries her best to laugh off. As a backcountry hunter, Kate can spend days or weeks out in the field to hunt an animal and she’s acquired 27K followers on her Instagram, @kate_small_outdoors. She hopes to be able to encourage other women to the sport and prove that it’s not just a man’s game. The largest animal Kate has ever hunted was a black bear which was over 6ft long and weighed more than 350lb but the most difficult animal to hunt is the wolf due to its heightened senses, speed and distance they can travel in a day. / @kate_small_outdoors, Image: 470141406, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000987030000b5410000a44b0000a2520000dbfb0000934e01000f90010019010200cc6002001aac0200, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Kate Small

- Nikad nisam ubila životinju iz zabave, lovim ih isključivo zbog njihova očuvanja i hrane - dodaje Kate.

No zbog ljubavi prema lovu ona svaki dan dobiva brojne prijetnje - neki je žele ubiti, a ima i onih koji bi se okomili čak i na njezinu djevojčicu.

- Osim smrću, prijete mi i silovanjem, ali nastojim to sve ignorirati. Samo želim dokazati ljudima da lov nije rezerviran isključivo za muškarce. Nadam se da će mi se u njemu pridružiti što više žena - zaključuje Small.

Kate hunted an eland bull in South Africa. IDAHO, USA: THIS NURSE receives thousands of death threats online and has even had sickos threaten to RAPE AND MURDER her baby daughter but continues to defy the trolls to show that hunting isn’t just for men by sharing her kills with her 27K Instagram followers. Registered nurse, Kate Small (29) from Boise, Idaho, USA, was introduced to hunting by her stepdad 10 years ago and instantly fell in love with it. Kate loves everything about hunting, from the adventure and strategic planning leading up to the kill which tests her strength and endurance and gives her unforgettable memories, to gutting, preserving and butchering the animal afterwards. Knowing where her food has come from is an important thing for Kate and she makes sure that she salvages as much of the animal that she can, using the meat, with the exception of wolf meat because it isn’t fit for human consumption, to fill her freezer for her family to live off and uses the hide and head for mounting. Kate never kills an animal just for the fun of hunting, only killing them for conservation or food purposes. Despite this, and hunting in a completely legal and ethical way, she receives thousands of disgusting death threats from people who have threatened to rape and murder her one-year-old daughter, murder her dogs and Kate herself, which she tries her best to laugh off. As a backcountry hunter, Kate can spend days or weeks out in the field to hunt an animal and she’s acquired 27K followers on her Instagram, @kate_small_outdoors. She hopes to be able to encourage other women to the sport and prove that it’s not just a man’s game. The largest animal Kate has ever hunted was a black bear which was over 6ft long and weighed more than 350lb but the most difficult animal to hunt is the wolf due to its heightened senses, speed and distance they can travel in a day. / @kate_small_outdoors, Image: 470141457, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD23000987030000493700008f44000091500000f8a8000026e000009c0e0100395601006c8c0100dfc30100, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Kate Small

09. siječanj 2025 10:30